Event Organiser in Delhi

( Approved By Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India )

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Pindari Glacier Trek 

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Delhi - Gwaldham - Pindari - Haridwar - Delhi
(Summer, 11 Days)

The most easily accessible of all Glaciers, Pindari is over 3.2 km in length and 1.5 kms wide. Well within the reach of any trekker in six to seven days, it rewards a visit well paid any time between summers and early winters.

Trekking in India is incomplete if you have not trekked Pindari Glacier. This glacier is situated in the Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand between snowcapped NANDA DEVI and NANDAKOT mountains and has lured mountaineers and trekkers since the last century.

It owes its existence primarily to the vast quantities of snow precipitated from the Nanda Devi and other surrounding summits of the Greater Himalayan range. The locals proudly refer to it as the soul of kumaon.

Pindari Glacier is situated at an altitude of 3,353mts above sea level in Bageshwar district of Uttarakhand. Kafni Glacier is situated to the right of Pindari Glacier with route diverting from Dwali. Kafni Glacier is situated at an elevation of 3,860mts above sea level.

Day 1 Arrival in New Delhi. Check in to Hotel. Overnight stay in Hotel.

Day 2 Delhi-Haridwar230kms/6hr
Check in Hotel & view Ganga Aarti at Night.

Day 3 Haridwar-Gwaldam244kms/9hr
Gwaldam with its decent climate is a little heaven nestling in the woods. There are several orchards generally of apple. One can watch the Trishul peaks coming even closer. Check in TRH/Hotel.

Day 4 Trek Starts Gwaldham - Dhakuri (2621m) 82kms/3hr 13km trek/6hr 
Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 5 Dhakuri – Dwali 19 Kms /8hr
Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 6 Dwali – Pindari 16 Kms /8hr
Pindari is one of the easily accessible of all the Himalayan glaciers. Pindari's rugged beauty offers a breathtaking sight, especially for the trekker who is in love with nature in all its pristine glory. The Pindari glacier is an unsurpassable and an exhilarating experience.  Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 7 Pindari – Dwali 16 Kms /8hr
Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 8 Dwali -Dhakuri19 Kms /8hr. Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 9 Dhakuri - Gwaldham13km trek /6hr & 82kms/3hr 
Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 10 Gwaldam-Hardwar244 Kms /9hr
Check in to Hotel. Overnight stay in allotted Tents.

Day 11 Hardwar-Delhi 230kms /6hr


  • Transportation by Car / Bus from Delhi
  • All Vegetarian Meals
  • All Trek Permit Charges/ Fees
  • All Trek leader/ Guide Fees
  • All Safety Equipments

  • Extra meals not including in the itinerary
  • Laundry, postage, personal clothing, medical expenses, personal travel insurance and items of a personal nature;
  • emergency evacuation charges; and tips etc
  • Additional costs incurred due to delay/ cancellation/change in itinerary that become necessary due to due to inclement weather, snow and ice conditions, political instabilities, Force majeure conditions or any other cause
  • Any other personal expnses
  • taxes as per Govt. norms

Payment Process:

For booking a place, we require a 50% deposit of the total cost of your trip to be transferred into our company current account and the outstanding amount needs to be paid to us prior to departure or latest on the day you meet us for the trip departure.
The account details will be given to you during correspondence.
We cannot confirm any bookings trip unless we have received the amount.

 Cancellation of booking:

If it becomes necessary for you to cancel your trip/ booking, please send us an intimation in writing. Once we receive your intimation we will cancel your booking. Please note the following charges that apply for canceling your booking:
a) If cancellation is done before 30 days from departure: We will refund the entire amount after deducting a processing charge of Rs 2,500
b) If cancellation is done between 30 days and 15 days prior to departure: We will refund 50% of the amount deposited with us(25% of the trek cost)
c) If cancellation is done less than 15 days prior to departure: We would not be able to refund any money since most arrangements have been made by then

A service tax of 3.09% is applicable on the total cost of the trip and needs to be paid in addition to the total cost. We do not include medical insurance in the cost but we advice you to get medical insurance prior to departing for the trek. Ananta Group reserves the right to cancel any expedition prior to departure (including, but not limited to, by reason of too few people booking on any tour) in which case participants will be given a refund in full. However, you will not be entitled to make any further claim for any injury, loss, expenses or damage (either direct or consequential) or for any loss of time or inconvenience which may result from such cancellation (including but not limited to visa, passport and vaccination charges, or departure, gear purchases, airport and airline taxes). Our trip leaders/guides are well trained, they know the surroundings well and take your safety and well being very seriously. Any decision they take regarding asking a member to not proceed to a higher camp or return to a lower camp will be taken keeping your safety in mind looking at your fitness level/ ability to adapt to the altitude.
Any such decision shall be binding and must be respected by the participants and the participants can not ask for a refund for any such decision.

Responsibility/ Liability

By agreeing to the Terms and Conditions you agree to waive any and all claims you may now and in the future have against, and release from all liability and agree not to sue Ananta Group and its officers, employees, guides, agents or representatives (collectively its staff) or the licensor for any personal injury, death, property damage, or loss sustained by you as a result of your participation in an adventure trip with them, due to any cause whatsoever, including without any limitation, negligence on the part of Ananta Group, its staff and licensor. Your are aware that your adventure trip, in addition to the usual dangers and risks inherent, has certain additional dangers and risks, some of which may include:  
Physical exertion for which you may not be prepared; weather extremes subject to sudden and unexpected change; remoteness from normal medical services; evacuation difficulties if you are disabled. You accept all the inherent risks of the proposed adventure trip and the possibility of personal injury, death or property damage or loss resulting therefrom. You acknowledge that the enjoyment and excitement of adventure travel is derived in part from the inherent risks incurred by travel and the activity beyond the accepted safety of life at home or work, and that these inherent risks contribute to such enjoyment and excitement, being a reason for your participation. You agree that if you suffer injury or illness Ananta Group, can, at your cost, arrange medical treatment and emergency evacuation service, as they deem essential for my safety.

In entering into this Agreement, you are not relying on any oral, written nor visual representations or statements by Ananta Group or its staff or any other inducement or coercion to go on an adventure trip, hence,  go for  the trip if you believe only on your will.

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